Diary of a Brain Tumor Patient's Wife

Jan. 30, 1999

Renette Davis

Paul has had a real good week. Other than the problems Monday night, he has slept well every night. On Wednesday, the Hospice nurse called Dr. Will and asked if he would prescribe Ativan for anxiety for Paul. I've been sneaking it into his milkshake at night along with the phenobarbitol, and it really seems to help.

He's been doing pretty well taking his decadron. There have been a few times where he's refused, but he's gotten in at least 2 doses every day. The Hospice nurse thought it might be easier for him to take it in liquid form, so she ordered it from the pharmacy, but he doesn't like it, so we've gone back to the pills.

We've been looking at family pictures all week - started with album #1 and went all the way through to #52. I think Paul really enjoyed it. I know I did. On Thursday Paul's friend Bob came and stayed with Paul while I went to the Hospice caregivers support group meeting. It turned out that I was the only one there, so I actually got a private counselling session.

Yesterday was a real nice day, so in the morning Paul & I went up to the medical supply store to get a gait belt for him. That's to help me hang on to him when we're in the shower. He prefers standing up and taking a shower with me rather than sitting down and letting someone bathe him. They didn't have any in stock, but they've ordered one for us.

In the afternoon a friend from church brought her guitar over and sang some songs for Paul. Then later our friends Al & Barbara came over to visit. They brought some biking pictures to show Paul and Barbara played the piano for him. They stayed with Paul while I went to Target (store like K-Mart or Wal-Mart). I had a pretty big list of things to get, so I was really glad I could go.

I feel very fortunate for all of the friends who are coming to visit Paul and who stay with him so I can get out. I don't know what I would do without that.

Continue to: Feb. 1, 1999

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Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to Renette by clicking here.

Created: June 7, 1999
Last updated: July 20, 2010