Diary of a Brain Tumor Patient's Wife

Jan. 9, 1998

Renette Davis

I gave Medline another try and found some citations on thalidomide. Most of them, however, are on the use of thalidomide for AIDS, leprosy, etc. Several talk about thalidomide inhibiting tumor necrosis factor alpha. Does anyone know what that is? I've joined the braintmr list again to see if anyone there is talking about it. I haven't heard back from the person I asked earlier about it.

Paul auditioned for the Park Forest Singers and made it. Their first rehearsal was Tuesday. He said it was really exhausting, but he enjoyed it. He's had a cold, but seems to be feeling better. I had called the doctor because I was concerned about his resistance being down since he's in the middle of a chemotherapy cycle, and the doctor prescribed an antibiotic for him.

Continue to: Jan. 21, 1998

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Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to Renette by clicking here.

Created: May 10, 1999
Last updated: July 18, 2010