Dear Friends,
As I look back over the past year and reflect upon all the changes I have seen in those of you affected by Huntington's Disease, I become more aware of how personal this battle has become for both myself and all of you. I accepted the challenge of finding a treatment or cure for HD about eight years ago. As I discovered how it affects those near to me, I cried a little, and then I got mad a lot! There is no reason that this disease should or can beat us if we put all of our collective minds together, kick in a few extra dollars for research, do some public education of those professionals who know nothing about HD, and assist those people and families to cope with problems presented by the disease.
The goals of HDSA's mission are to maintain a strong, chapter based organization, generate adequate dollars to support its mission, facilitate and advocate program services to families and people with HD, and provide a strong force for research. According to Barbara T. Boyle, our new National Executive Director, a true organization partnership must exist in which the Chapters, National Office, and National Board are all working towards our mission and goals. Through this partnership, HD WILL be destroyed. This coming year, support your chapter any way you can to help achieve these goals.
Send comments to Renette Davis by clicking here.
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2010