We Have No Choice

From the Summer 1999 issue of Hopes & Dreams, newsletter of the Illinois Chapter, Huntington's Disease Society of America.

By Tad Hilgenbrinck,
an 18 yr. old in Quincy, Illinois

We have no choice
it just comes
shows up
came to destroy
what we know
who we are
our very existence
steals our ways
our family
our voice
our body
leaving nothing but a soul,
a soul without a soul
a soul in utter despair
wanting to scream out
reach out
grasp something
It comes again and again.
It came to my grandfather
to my father,
my lifeline, my blood, my joy, my sorrow,
and to me.
It came not to steal
our breath,
but to eternally
knock us down
wearing us down
unmercifully holding us down
until it becomes us and we become it
and then to the next it goes.

Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to Renette by clicking here.

Created: July 27, 1999
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2010