Tips for Daily Living with Huntington's Disease

Articles by people on the Mailing List for Huntington's Disease. Compiled by Renette Davis.

Note: For recipes and information on feeding tubes which used to be on this page, see Nutrition for People with Huntington's Disease

Computer Games and Huntington's Disease

Article by Ross Scott describing computer games that Bill, who has Huntington's Disease, enjoys playing.

Living With HD

Suggestions for living with Huntington's Disease by Heather Pratt, who has HD.

One Family's Way

Article by Monica Bradlee describing how her family used pictures to communicate with her father who had Huntington's Disease.

Remote Smoker

Article by Robin D. Keller explaining how to make a remote smoker for Huntington's Disease victims who want to continue smoking.

Telephone/Answering Machine

Article by Ginny Silver-Koplo describing how she uses an answering machine to communicate with her daughter Pam who has Huntington's Disease and is in a nursing home.

This page is still in the process of being developed. We welcome contributions from anyone familiar with Huntington's Disease. If you would like to write an article about some aspect of daily living with HD, please contact Renette Davis by clicking here

Last updated: Dec. 7, 2010