Nursing Homes

Are you Pleased With Your Nursing Home?

In order to help our families that make inquiries into nursing home placement, it would be immensely beneficial to us if you would let us know the nursing home where you have a family member, and how you feel about their care. Please fill out the following information and return to:

HDSA/Illinois Chapter
P.O. Box 597045
Chicago, IL 60659-7045

All information will be kept confidential.

          Nursing Home: _____________________________________________________

          Address: __________________________________________________________

          City: ________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________

          Patient's Name: ___________________________________________________

          Would you recommend this nursing home?     Yes ____        No _____

          Would you like to see an in-service for
          the staff that would assist them in
          learning more about HD patients?           Yes ____        No _____

          Your Name: ________________________________________________________

Send comments to Renette Davis by clicking here.