I became active with the HD chapter in 1982. At that time, I had lost my daughter, Linda, to HD and two weeks later my husband was told he had HD. I thought my world was coming to an end. I did not know what I was going to do.
I started to go to support groups and found so many loving people there. They were very helpful in assisting me in getting through the really rough time, and before I knew it I was going to the board meetings. I was elected as Vice President and also started a support group in Northlake. It is now 19 years later and I am still on the board and still have the Northlake support group. I have been paid back a hundred times over for the help I was given when my husband was first diagnosed.
I have been married almost 38 years to my husband, Ray. Along with Linda, we have two other children, my son, Raymond, my daughter, Alyce, and a wonderful son-in-law, Dan. I just became a grandma to Paige. She is such a joy. My husband has been in a nursing home for the past five years. That was one of the hardest things to do but I knew I could no longer take care of him at home. Again, I had the love and support of my HD family.
I have worked for a large industrial supply company for the past 22 years. I like to sew, cook, fish, and hunt. I also enjoy going to the theatre. I am 57 years old and I have lived in Melrose Park for 34 years.
Editors Note: It is with deep regret and sorrow that we inform you that Ray Greer passed away on March 7, 2000. Our deepest thoughts and prayers are with Barb and her family.
Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments Renette by clicking here.
Created: July 4, 2000
Last updated: Nov. 28, 2010