Diary of a Brain Tumor Patient's Wife

Apr. 5, 1999

Renette Davis

We had a very nice Easter. Philip and Karen were here for dinner and for a good part of the afternoon. Paul's sister, Charlotte, and her husband, Tom, and my Mom were also here. It was a beautiful day, and we took some pictures of Mom with the kids outside. We sat Paul up on the edge of the bed for awhile, and took some family pictures with him.

We have discovered a game that Paul enjoys - volleyball with a balloon. He and I played quite awhile last night, and then Tom & Mom joined in too. I noticed while we were playing that Paul wasn't using his right arm at all. This morning I mentioned it to the Hospice nurse, and when she had him grip her hands, she said it was much weaker on the right.

Paul slept pretty well last night. He woke up about every 3 hours coughing, but went back to sleep ok after I gave him some Roxanol. His blood pressure was 94/70 this morning, which is lower than it usually is. Our housekeeper is sick today, so Charlotte and Tom are staying til noon, which is when the nurse's aide is coming. Philip is sleeping here tonight.

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Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to Renette by clicking here.

Created: June 19, 1999
Last updated: July 21, 2010